Incoming Fax Email Hoax

Computer users are warned to be on the lookout for messages in their email inbox, claiming to be an incoming fax. I have personally seen over 5 instances of this today alone.

Included is a screenshot from a GMail account – the mail was not sent from that, but showing how it appeared in Gmail to a unsuspecting user.

Incoming Fax Hoax Email

Incoming Fax Hoax Email


Attached to the email is a ZIP file, Contained within this .zip file is a malicious payload. The exact configuration and payload of the malware download varies. When extracted some of these files have 2 extensions to confuse a user for example
Other emails open a link to a program on a website – some of these hoax emails are known to have infected machines with ransomware
See for details about Ransomware

Please let as many people know about this as possible as it is a major threat to unsuspecting users data files.

In general be cautious of any unsolicited email that claims that you have a fax waiting either attached to the email or online, especially one that claims to contain payroll, HR, or other information access to which implies clicking on links and downloading attachments.

Posted in Ransomware, Security, Security Attacks and tagged , , .