Delivering a number of CCISO Programs over the next few weeks

I dont normally publish course details here and I have been a bit too busy unfortunately for writing informational posts, this together with the enquiries I have been getting recently for CISO programs I thought this would be good to do….. so here it is   I have a busy couple of weeks ahead delivering […]

WannaCry Ransomware

WannaCry ransomware — also known as WCry, Wana Decrypt0r, WannaCrypt, and WanaCrypt0r! With the ongoing attack which started last week and after receiving several calls and mails over the weekend for some advice on how best to protect against ransomware, I thought I would put together some advice. Backup With any form of Ransomware, the […]


As social engineering attacks continue to grow in frequency and sophistication with the increased use of technology and through all of the communication channels we use today. Organisations must look at employee training and education as the first line of defence in order to mitigate such attacks. This article serves to explain some of the […]

Helpful Tips

5 Steps to Staying Secure Online

October is Security / Cyber Security Awareness Month so I thought that I would spend a little time lowering the level to some general security awareness stuff. Introduction & Cyber Awareness in General Cyber attacks are on the increase, new strains of ransomware seem to be coming out weekly, we hear of new threats and vulnerabilities […]